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Why don’t college students ask questions in class

Robert Frost The number of questions asked in a lesson is directly proportional to the quality of the instructor. The frank truth is that most college professors have had no training in instructional design or delivery.  They are ignorant about how to create an atmosphere of learning. Learning is most likely to happen when […]

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Some good general career advice

Matthew Wyndowe During two years of business school at Stanford, I wrote down the best advice from our professors and lecturers. This advice is from my favorite teachers and lecturers, including Andy Rachleff, Mark Leslie, Irv Grousbeck, Joel Peterson, Eric Schmidt, and many others. Admittedly, a lot of this is focused on technology industry, […]

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How to be rich when 18

Scott Welch   First, let me address the “Marry a rich guy” answers. What a bunch of sexist melon farmers. Please. It’s 2014. Let’s have some respect. Would you tell an 18 year old guy who asked the same question “Marry a rich woman”? Now, to the heart of the matter. I will give […]

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