The IoT revolution has sparked an increased interest in home automation. Lighting is one of the major home automation aspects. Tp-link LB120 is one of that.

创业公司 CEO 们是如何识别人才的?
人才,这个可是不太好说的话题,就是从NBA的来看, 乔丹,科比,库里, 哈登,谁又真的想到,他们会创造这个大的辉煌。可以说每一个球队的经理都会有足够的数据去评价一个人,但是人是,实在太难琢磨了。

The Rich and The Wealthy
When you sleep, you can make money, that is to say you are wealthy. hahaha. do you think you, who is the number one to make best money while sleeping!!!!