What are some psychological facts that people don’t know?
What are some body language cues I should look out for if a girl wants to hold hands, or kiss?
There’s a few key things to look out for – in ascending order.. Smiles and eye contact (you have my attention) Facing you, and leaning in closer (I’m comfortable with you) Running hands through hair (I want to get close to you) All of the above, and glancing at your lips (kiss me already!) Here’s […]
41 Things You Need To Know Right Now, For No Reason In Particular
ABHINAV DHAR 1. This is how sperm whales sleep. Discovery Channel video. 2. This is how double decker buses are tested. Bus tilt testing video. 3. This is what Mars would look like if it still had water. Article from The Atlantic. 4. This is how zoologists weigh tiny birds. The bird is a java […]