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没有方向感,是最要命的 不管起点有多低,都要坦然接受 围绕自己兴趣爱好选择职业 做自己最擅长的事情 从最容易实现目标开始做起 要过语言关 要有一样看家本领 掌握工作得全部 知识变成能力 向成功/失败学习 走在时代的最前沿 记下一闪即逝的灵感 把话说到点子上 抓住问题关键 控制自己得倾诉和行为 站在对方的位置上 用出色得业绩书里自己品牌 世界的事情最怕认真 任何时候保持正直的心 让更多的人记住你 工作不仅仅为了赚钱 进入成功人的圈子 抓住点滴空闲 善待身边人 把每一份工作当做历练 端好信誉 抓住机会 节约每一分钱 能创业就去创业 从小事做起,一分钱也赚 满足客户的需求 为客户服务做文章 钱流动才有价值 细节下功夫 抓住当下做好身边工作 注重个人积累和成长

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Too Late To Achieve More

From : Dan Ogden Ray Kroc started McDonald’s at 52. John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola at 55. Henry Kaiser start kaiser Permanente at 63. Harland Sanders started KFC – after it failed once – at 65. Nelson Mandela was in prison from 19562 to 1960 – nearby as long as you have been alive – and at […]

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Power Tips From A Self-Help Book??

Small errors and disciplines determine everything in life!! Small errors repeated over time become our bad habits. Tiny discipline repeated over time become good ones. They are applicable to every single area of life – health, wealth, spiritual life, relationships, happiness, education. You won’t find a single exception. Jeff Olson made those two statements the […]

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