Category: Sport
NBA MVP 半程马拉松大胡子领先
北京时间2017年1月6号,火箭队2分战胜雷霆队,最后总比分是118:115。 Can you really have a battle between the two leading contenders for the NBA’s MVP award with four-time winner LeBron James and the two-time reigning MVP, Stephen Curry, miles from the basketball court? 现在有两位MVP有力竞争者之间,不是4届MVP的詹姆斯和2届MVP的库里,而是火箭的大胡子哈登和雷霆的威少! 下面我们看看两人的数据比对: See the Pen Stacked bar chart with negative values by Zhenhua Chen (@wastonchen) on CodePen. In fact, yes […]
Play Basketball With President Obama?
Barack Obama Answer: My hair’s getting grayer, but I’d like to think I’ve still got a decent jump shot. And whenever I play pickup games with my staff or friends and family, I make sure they know not to go easy on me. A couple of years ago, I got elbowed in the lip pretty hard […]