Python Learning 学习蟒蛇
Category: Travel
How to KILL Zoo Animals By Photography
it is hard to shoot in the ZOO. It is quite tough task!!! HOW-TO?! you can not also find a good toturial in the youtueb channel, WHY?
千と千尋の神隠し 千与千寻
there is lots why in the this anime? something is funny. 我现在发现这个故事非常神奇,第一次看的时候觉得好无聊,没有意思。现在在学日文。不同背景的人看法千差万异,学英文的看法又会不一样。感觉又点像那一句话,一千个人看哈姆雷特有一千种看法。 Chihioro, Sen. quora zhihu yahoo