2022年女足亚洲杯,中国女足夺冠。 去年11月,中国足协发布公告任命水庆霞担任中国女足主帅。中国女足在本月11日则正式公布了参赛球员23人名单,名单如下: 朱钰、姚伟、王霜、马君、刘艳秋、徐欢、王晓雪、姚凌薇、李梦雯、吴澄舒、赵丽娜、杨莉娜、张馨、肖裕仪、李佳悦、高晨、王妍雯、娄佳惠、王珊珊、张琳艳、张睿、李影、唐佳丽。
Category: Uncategorized
Creating Waffle Charts for fun
Excel can creat the Waffle Charts, Python also can do it. but you have to the EXCEL 365, it would be easy, LOL. MS, Dman it. you can refer to Sort, SEQUENCE Function. https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/office/sort-%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0-22f63bd0-ccc8-492f-953d-c20e8e44b86c Python makes it easy. In the pycharm, copy this a Code: import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom pywaffle import Waffledf […]
Supply Chain Things
thing became weird to all the Company. 2020-2021 are big years in the history. Trump Byebye. China-United State Conflict. To biz, that is Zero. Supply Chain is now to correct.