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Can Teacher Teach Me Which Egg Came From An Healthy Chicken?

which egg

I was once on vacation in farm country, and went out to eat breakfast.  I ordered eggs sunny side up, and when it was served I was startled to see yolks that were orange, rather than yellow, in color.  I was actually hesitant toeat the eggs as they looked so different than what I was used to.

Being a brave soul, I went ahead and ate them, and I can honestly say that they were the most delicious eggs I’ve ever tasted!  After finding the video you are about to watch below, I now understand why those eggs were so outstanding…there is a big difference between “farm-fresh” eggs and store-bought ones.

Not only are eggs that come from local farms much fresher, but the conditions under which the chickens are raised, are far better.  These chickens are much healthier and the color of the yolks of their eggs signify this.  If you’ve never tasted them, it’s well worth going out of your way to do so.  After watching this video, you will be inspired.

The color of the shell of a healthy chicken egg varies according to the breed of chicken and the environment where it normally lays its eggs.

Different Egg Shell

The yolk of a normal chicken egg can vary in color from sunny yellow to golden yellow to almost orange, mostly depending on the chicken’s diet.  The yolk is surrounded by the translucent, nearly transparent, albumen.

Whatever color she’s supposed to lay. White, cream, blue, green, turquoise, pinkish, and all colors of brown, as well as all the above with speckles, are all healthy egg colors. A chicken lays the same color of egg for her whole life, and that color is determined by her genetics.

It’s rare to have a disease change the color of a chicken’s egg. The egg might be paler and have a thin and/or malformed shell if the bird has one of several diseases.

How old are the Egg you buy?

If you want to test an egg to see if it’s fresh, put it in a bowl of water. The fresher the egg, the more it’ll want to rest on the bottom of the bowl. The older an egg, the more the fat end wants to float.

Oh, Yeah, The Shell Matters

If you want to look at an egg and tell if the chicken which laid it was a healthy and well-treated one, I can only guess that the thickness of the shell is a good indicator. Thick shells mean a good diet.

The pigment of the shell is applied while the egg is forming in the hen’s reproductive tract.  The pigment is largerly determined by genetics, so the breed of the hen is the main determing factor.  Most often, white hens lay white eggs and brown/reddish hens lay brown eggs.  There are some breeds of hens that will lay green or blue eggs because of their genetic traits.

OMG! The Egg is science thing.


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