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Category: Life
新兴技术炒作周期 technology adoption cycle
How experts explain technology adoption cycle The accepted premise is that every new technology goes through the following phases: Hype: Search for next big thing leads to Hype around any new technology. Struggle: Adoption of these Bleeding Edge technologies depended on the Visionaries who had the vision, energy and money to make it work. Success: Mainstream […]
千と千尋の神隠し 千与千寻
there is lots why in the this anime? something is funny. 我现在发现这个故事非常神奇,第一次看的时候觉得好无聊,没有意思。现在在学日文。不同背景的人看法千差万异,学英文的看法又会不一样。感觉又点像那一句话,一千个人看哈姆雷特有一千种看法。 Chihioro, Sen. quora zhihu yahoo