What is the point of view?
• Why was the old gentleman so flustered and the towns people
so fascinated?
• Was the author an agriculture expert? How do we know? Cite
examples of irony and satire.
• How long did the author serve as editor? (Long vs. short stint)
• How did the author feel about critics? Editors?
• Why do you think he felt this way?
未来在哪里? 无人知道应该是怎么样的? 也无人可以告诉你,因为在你的身边根本就没有这样的人。 中国究竟怎么? 安得广厦天下间。。。杜甫如果生在当下,会怎么说? mark twain也一样,还有鲁迅先生。。。。。气请您们一起说说吧。
A Day At Niagara– Mark Twain
Mark Twain once said of Niagara Falls: “Although it was wonderful to see all that water tumbling down, it would be even more wonderful to see all that water tumbling up.”
The Niagara River forms the U.S.-Canadian Border and allows Lake Erie to drain northwest into Lake Ontario. Lake Ontario is about 100 m lower than Lake Erie; the Falls and the rapids account for most of the elevation difference. The energy derived from water falling over the falls, with average total flows of 750,000 U.S. gallons (2.8 million liters) per second, fuel multiple power plants on the river. Power Plants downstream from the plant generate 4.4 million kilowatts of power for both Ontario and New York.